Seattle Headshots - Adonis PhotographyHome


What to Wear for Acting Headshots

Clothing choice is very important for headshots, especially black-and-white headshots. The key is to maximize contrast between your hair color, clothing color, and background color.

Good clothing styles:
- sweaters with texture (like ribbed or chain stitch)
- shirt/blouse with a collar (but be careful of wrinkles)
- long sleeves

Avoid clothing styles:
- low cut tops (not good for close cropping)
- crew neck (not as flattering)
- stripes and busy patterns (these steal the attention from your face)
- short sleeves (arms steal the attention from your face)
- turtlenecks (sometimes these can work, but always bring 2-3 more styles)

Clothing color for dark hair:
- you want something that will contrast with your hair but not be too light, so it's best to stick with medium green, medium blue, or medium gray. Avoid white and black.

Clothing color for light brown or red hair:
- best choices are black, medium to dark green, and medium to dark blue and medium gray. Avoid white.

Clothing color for blonde hair:
- best choices are medium green, medium blue, or medium gray. Avoid white and black.

Clothing color for bald/shaved heads:
Use the same guidelines as blonde.

Clothing color for short hair (off the shoulder):
Use guidelines above, but you can also bring something black or navy blue. 

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Headshots Seattle

Need headshots? Please see business portraits or acting headshots.



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